Space Technology Series

Understanding Space, 4th edition

Edited By:

Sellers, Astore, Giffen & Larson

Date: 2014 / CEI

The study of astronautics and space missions can appear difficult at times, but our goal with Understanding Space is to bring space down to Earth and de-mystify it, so each reader understands the big picture with confidence. It contains historical background and a discussion of space missions, space environment, orbits, atmospheric entry, spacecraft design, spacecraft subsystems, and space operations.

This is a truly user-friendly, full-color text focused on understanding concepts and practical applications but written in a down-to-earth, engaging manner that painlessly helps the reader understand complex topics. It is laid out with multi-color highlights for key terms and ideas, reinforced with detailed example problems, and supported by detailed section reviews summarizing key concepts, terms, and equations.

Inkling ebook/ Available on your Mac or PC; Downloadable on iPad, iPhone or Android.

Print book: 792 pages / 3rd edition.


Undergraduate aerospace students

Advanced high school students

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  • eBook, 4th edition

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  • Printed Book, 3rd edition

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